340 lunch boxes to Matbanken
Paf gave 340 lunch boxes to Matbanken (“The Food Bank”) as well as Christmas bread and gingerbread. Matbanken is a non-profit association that distributes food free of charge to households that are having financial difficulties.
“This is a very nice gesture by Paf and we are very happy that we received the lunch boxes,” says Susanne Ohlsson, Operations Manager for Matbanken.
Matbanken’s operations mostly consist of volunteers who distribute food donations from companies and private individuals.
“Every week we distribute food and hygiene items to between 80-100 households. We have between 35-40 volunteers who help us and without their help it would not be possible to do what we do,” says Susanne Ohlsson.
Volunteers helping out
In the picture together with some of the lunch boxes from Paf, you can see the volunteers Gun Eriksson-Granlund, Ulla Grunér, Margareta Flink and Angela Sjöberg.
“The food portions that Paf has donated are very good, it is ready-made and fresh food in organic boxes,” says Angela Sjöberg.
“Matbanken receives about a ton of food each week that would otherwise be thrown away by the food stores. It’s great that this food is used,” says Susanne Ohlsson.
The Matbanken association also receives Paf funding for its activities. The donation for the lunch boxes comes from the Paf staff’s unused lunch coupons, a pretty large number due to the pandemic.
Published: 17 december 2020
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