Sustainability is part of our DNA
From day one our vision and strategies have been aligned with generating long term sustainable profit to support Åland society. That’s the sole reason we exist.
We can only achieve this sustainability though our company culture, the products we make and the experiences we create. It’s in everything we do.
Responsible Gaming
A sustainable gaming for our players makes our business better. That’s why Responsible Gaming is a fundamental building block of Paf
A Sustainable Workplace
Our aim is to make Paf an inspiring place to work. We believe people prosper and grow when the working environment is fair, safe and equal
Environmental Sustainability
All businesses have an impact on the environment. Paf is committed to developing smart and sustainable solutions to limit our footprint
Our selected sustainability goals
Based on our three sustainability areas, we have identified how our sustainability work contributes to the UN’s Global Sustainability Goals. We have also identified how our sustainability work contributes to the local Åland Development and Sustainability Agenda’s strategic goals.
The development goals in the Åland Sustainability Agenda and the UN’s Global Goals constitute a very ambitious plan for developing our society. When we identified the goals that our sustainability work contributes to, it resulted in five different goals within the Åland Sustainability Agenda and seven different global UN goals.

Responsible gaming

Environmental Sustainability

About bä
Since 2016, bä has acted as a platform for organisations on Åland, working towards a common goal of a viable and sustainable region. The backbone of the network is the development and sustainability agenda for Åland, agreed upon by Ålands regional parliament and government. The forming of the network is deeply rooted in society, and therefore enjoys high levels of confidence and trust by citizens as well as businesses. This confidence is what enables the transformation of society towards a sustainable future.
In spring 2019 the development and sustainability agenda for Åland was awarded by the European Commission, which organised the European Sustainability Awards in Brussels. The Åland agenda was considered to be the best in the category for communities of up to 100,000 inhabitants. Paf is active in the local community by participating and contributing to the sustainability agenda.
Paf also participates in the networking group for sustainable, large companies on Åland. The main purpose of the group is to drive the larger companies’ activities related to realising Åland’s Development and Sustainability Agenda. Four of the groups’ members, including Paf, chose to invest in a sustainability pilot, an investment that enabled bä to engage another sustainability pilot for the next three years starting in 2019.

At Paf, obviously we want to be involved and contribute to the development goals, both locally and on a global level. By clearly identifying the goals we contribute to, we can better focus and clarify our sustainability work in the future
– Paf’s Vice President and Chief Responsibility Officer Daniela Johansson.
Sustainability updates
Paf lowers the loss limit
Paf decides to lower the yearly mandatory loss limit that applies to all customers. At the same time, the loss limit for young customers aged 20-24 is also lowered.
Published: 04 mars 2025
Paf employees donated €125,000
Paf decided to give all employees the opportunity to donate €125,000 to various good causes, initiatives and projects. The causes were selected through a nomination and voting process by the employees.
Published: 19 december 2024
High demand for seats at Destination Poker
Paf hosted the Destination Poker live tournament in Mariehamn, Åland from 1–3 November. 70 players took part in the main tournament with a prize pool of €35,000. A winner from Finland was crowned on Saturday night at 11 o'clock.
Published: 05 november 2024
The new gaming law was discussed in Helsinki
Paf organised an event in Helsinki to discuss the upcoming gaming law in Finland. Participants heard the views of the State Secretary, members of parliament, the media, sports, experts and the gaming industry.
Published: 24 oktober 2024