1535 days working in another country

Each year, Paf offers employees the opportunity to work abroad. This opportunity has been well received by employees and interest in working abroad has increased. For Camilo Macias, this has meant more opportunities to visit his home country of Colombia.

In autumn 2021, Paf introduced the possibility for employees to work abroad for up to three months a year. Last year, the number of times Paf employees used this opportunity doubled compared to 2022.

“Interest in working abroad has increased, and it is really positive that our employees want to use this possibility,” says Jenna Ekström, Team Manager HR.

In total, Paf employees worked in another country for 1,545 days in 2023, ranging from a few days to longer periods.

“We strive to be a modern workplace that offers flexible working options. As an international company, we have many employees who live far from their home countries. Being able to work abroad gives them more opportunities to spend time in their home countries,” says Jenna Ekström.

Camilo worked from Colombia

For Camilo Macias, being able to work for Paf abroad has been a grateful option.

“I’ve lived in Finland for almost eight years, the first two of which I spent studying for a master’s degree at Åbo Akademi University. It’s a burden that grows when you can’t visit your family, you can’t give hugs and kisses over the internet,” says Camilo Macias, Software Developer.

Camilo usually works for Paf in Finland and his home country is Colombia.

“I am super glad for this opportunity to work abroad. Last year I worked three months from Colombia, then I could spend time with my family while working, says Camilo Macias.

Seven hours time difference

Working from Colombia is not a simple equation. The time difference with Finland is seven hours during the winter.

“I have a good manager and good colleagues who have supported me, so working in Colombia has actually been really smooth, despite the time differences. This year I will use the time for my brother’s wedding back home in Colombia, and I will also take the opportunity to visit some countries close to Colombia,” says Camilo Macias.

When Paf employees work abroad, they don’t need to use any vacation days. A requirement for remote work is that you can perform your work at a distance and that you and your team leader have agreed upon the arrangement.

Read more about Paf’s work for a sustainable workplace or see what vacancies Paf currently has to offer.

Published: 11 juni 2024

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