Paf manufactures visors for hospital staff

There is currently a great lack of protective equipment (PPE) for doctors and nurses working on the front line due to the coronavirus disease. The University of Åland has been helping the situation by using 3D printers to produce protective visors.

“When we heard about this initiative at Paf, obviously we wanted to help out too. We contacted the university’s coordinator for the project and since Easter our 3D printers have been manufacturing protective visor parts for the hospital’s health workers,” says Lasse Danielsson, Head of Operations at Paf Land & Ship.

At Paf we have two 3D printers and these are normally used to manufacture spare parts for our physical slot machines. Both printers are now working at full capacity to produce visor parts every day. Electronics engineer Johan Eriksson, pictured, is responsible for the 3D printers.

“We have already delivered two boxes to the local hospital with a total of 90 visor frames for protective visors. We will continue to manufacture them as long as the hospital continues to need more,” he says.

Published: 23 april 2020

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