Paf sponsors open source foundation

Paf will be sponsoring the Apache Software Foundation (ASF), which develops software for public benefit purposes. The charity foundation was founded in 1999 and it is funded through donations from companies and individuals.

“Since we use open source software to build Paf’s business, the only right thing is that we also do our best to give something back to society,” says Rami Rantala, Tech Lead at Paf.

All computer programs consist of coding coded by software developers. Open sourcing means that the codes are openly available on the web, so that programmers around the world can contribute and also benefit from the codes.

“You can give something back to the open source community by contributing in different ways. For us at Paf, it is possible to use working hours to contribute to the open source projects, now that there was also an opportunity to give something back through a sponsorship, that is exactly what we have done,” says Rami Rantala.

Paf uses open source

Paf started using open source technology a few years ago.

“We started our open source journey many years ago, our developers contribute to open source projects and therefore it was a natural step for Paf to finance and support the Apache Software Foundation,” says Francois Maugis, Chief Technology Officer at Paf.

Open source technology is well used throughout the world and the technology is found in all daily technology products used.

“The majority of companies nowadays use some form of open source technology instead of using proprietary software, therefore open source tech is important and supporting that development is exactly the right thing for Paf to do, says Francois Maugis.

Feel free to read more about the Apache Software Foundation and how they contribute with technical solutions for many different communities. Paf’s ongoing open source projects can be found on github.

Published: 24 juni 2021

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